Tuesday 18 December 2012

How to Build Your Kingdom

Building Kingdom in Dragon Craft
  • One of the first things you will likely notice about DragonCraft is there is no shop... at least not in the traditional sense. You will be able to build your kingdom by accruing enough resources and completing quests.
  • You will notice small green circles around you kingdom. Tap on one of the circles to see what buildings you can place there.
  • Select the building you wish to place there to be shown the resources that are necessary to complete the building.
  • If you have the necessary resources you can confirm the placement of the building. If you do not have the resources you need you may need to visit the world map and fight some monsters, or wait for your other buildings to be ready to harvest from.
  • Once your building is placed you will need to wait for it to be completed.
  • Completing buildings will unlock new quests that will allow you to research upgrades.
  • Some buildings will produce goods for your kingdom over time. When a building has goods for you to collect, there will be an icon of the item above the building. Tap on the building to collect your goods. As you level up you will be able to increase the output of these buildings.

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